12 steps to building brilliant customer STRATEGIES
Are you feeling stuck with your business growth? Acquiring new customers can feel lke a challenge but it doesn’t need to be that way.
Get access to me free guide to learn the 12 steps to building brilliant customer strategies that drive business growth.
I’ve spent hours researching for a project – The Growth Plan. I’ve looked at what other marketing books were like and in short… words, words, words. Quite frankly I was bored.
The Growth Plan is different and better. It’s a planner that guide you through the process of delivering a marketing strategy and action plans from a position of true insight.
The Growth plan is; a marketing tutor, activity book, business filofax and a business coach.
Customer Obsession Report
As a strategy consultant, I work with a lot of businesses to drive growth. Recently it struck me that customer focus is not a universally adopted approach.
And I don’t get it.
Why do businesses not obsess about their customers?
I set out to get answers and I got buckloads. Want to see what I learned?